Sunday, February 6, 2011

Secrets shared and Secrets hidden

Have you ever been faced with the decision about what to write in your diary and what to keep locked inside your heart? I mean, a diary is like a secret place that people use to write their inner most thoughts, feelings, poems, love stories, pain, and life events. Just exactly where does secret end and public begin regarding a woman's diary? That is the question I asked myself. Tradition shows that diaries are read by no one but kept under lock and key usually hidden away from spying eyes. Modern tradition shows a trend toward writing journals which are more public forums for exploring life and sharing life. Well, modern diaries have become more public than any journal dared to be. Think about the internet and its vast uses. Social sites like myspace and facebook and vox provide forums where journals and diaries are kept. These are public places even with the best security in sharing choices. Then there is the latest custom of blogging, like this blog. I found a public forum to write my secret diary to share with the world. If I didn't want to share it then I should probably write it in one of the locked little books and keep it hidden away like our grandmothers did in their time. So the only question left to answer is "what do I write in a public diary?"

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