Thursday, November 27, 2008

Being Alive in These Times

Much of my private ponderings are in the area of life itself, first in the basic area concerning self, spouse, family, children and grandchildren. Often though, my thoughts turn deeply to the state of this world. Being alive in these times really invokes deep thought and pondering into the actual survival techniques it takes to be in this world.

Many people probably do not give much thought to the daily movements of living. Small tasks like showering, brushing your teeth, styling your hair, getting dressed, eating breakfast, going to work, driving your car are just ordinary every parts of life that are probably taken for granted, unless and until you are unable to perform those daily tasks with ease.

Consider the possibility of not living in a house, but living in a vehicle, or a motor home, or a tent or on the streets. How would that change the way those tasks are performed in your life? How would that change the perception of your daily life, or your life in general?

One thing is certain, a homeless person on the street has to put forth a lot more effort to do even one of these basic life functions. Much time is consumed taking care of daily necessities for survival. Perception changes and suddenly life becomes the most basic struggle for survival.

The next time you see someone living on the street, ask your self if they may have eaten breakfast yet, or if they slept some place warm. Do you they have a comb and a toothbrush for basic hygiene? The next time you get in your vehicle to drive to work, look for someone walking carrying a heavy pack and consider for a moment offering that person a ride, and think about how much it might change that person's perspective on daily life, as well as yours.

I have many thoughts in this area to share. Right now, I am sitting in McDonald's using the free wifi in Alexandria, Virginia. My husband and I came here two weeks ago for an appointment with the Undersecretary of Agriculture Mark Rey regarding free assembly. We broke down and now are part of the scene of the streets, trying to re-learn how to live our daily life in these times.

The Midnight Writer